Sparkle up Chalk Paint™ with Stencil Cremes™
Our Metallic Royal Stencil Cremes-the IDEAL stencil paints-now come in 18 delicious colors. Can you guess what else comes in a wide range of delicious colors? If you guessed Chalk Paint™ from Annie...

Chalk Paint™ Tutorial-Part 1
Chalk Paint™ can be applied over almost all previously finishes furniture surfaces without sanding, stripping, or priming. Simply clean and paint with Chalk Paint™, wax, and lightly distress to cr...

Chalk Paint™ Tutorial-Part 2
In this video Annie Sloan, the creator of Chalk Paint™ furniture paint, share how to do a two-color distressing technique using Chalk Paint and Soft Wax Clear.You can see Annie's furniture paintin...

Chalk Paint™ Stenciled Floor Cloth
Painted and stenciled floorcloths have a rich history - used in homes throughout England and the United States prior to the invention of linoleum, they were often made from recycled canvas ship sai...
Basic Stencil Tools and Supplies
Stenciling is an inexpensive avocation that requires but a few important basic stencil tools and supplies to ensure a successful result. Good quality stencil brushes are the most important tools th...